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November 2023

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Ewigkeit lügt

Manon Heupel, Hannah van Ginkel, Tobias Sternberg

One can only guess what is actually hidden behind a work of art. Outside the reach of light, in the shadow of faces, a game is being played. Only the one who has something to lose laughs. The gums shine, the ears ring, the secrets whisper loudly, and at the same time, we glance over our conversation partner's shoulder to see if something important is happening. We wonder how quickly time passes, which may not even exist. It exists only for us, who are made of decaying flesh, not for the lady in the picture. Forever gazing into the distance. There is a child, and there are the hands of art.

The exhibition "Eternity Lies" features works by Manon Heupel, Hannah van Ginkel, and Tobias Sternberg.

Painter Manon Heupel, born in 1950, lives and works in Heilsbronn.

Artist Hannah van Ginkel was born in Siegburg in 1982 and studied Fine Arts at the Art Academy in Düsseldorf. She has been living and working in Brandenburg for several years.

Tobias Sternberg, born in Stockholm in 1973, completed his art studies in London and has been living in Berlin since 2009.

Exhibition from November 4th to 19th
Vernissage on November 4, 2023, at 2:00 PM
On November 5, 12, and 19, 2023, from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM

April 2023

Motherhood I Concept & Performance: Isabel Czerwenka-Wenkstetten; artists milk / Künstlermilch, 2012. Photographic documentation: Klaus Pichler / Anzenberger Agency

Concepts of Motherhood

Stella Bach, Maria Bergstötter, Asta Cink, Isabel Czerwenka-Wenkstetten, Die 4 Grazien, Dora Mai, Sarah Iris Mang, Karin Maria Pfeifer, Barbara Philipp, Ness Rubey, Johanna Tatzgern, Agnes Rossa, Dorothee Zombronner

IntAkt - Internationale Aktionsgemeinschaft bildender Künstlerinnen / Wien in Kooperation mit dem HilbertRaum und der Retramp Gallery

Vernissage: Friday, 21.04.2023, 18:00 - 22:00 hrs,
Performance: Isabel Czerwenka-Wenkstetten "performance performance motherhood", 19:00 hrs, Retramp Gallery

Discussion: Saturday, 22.04.2023, 17:30 - 19:00 Uhr, HilbertRaum

Opening hours:
Saturday, 22.04.2023 and Sunday, 23.04.2023, 14:00 - 19:00 hrs
Friday, 28.04.2023, 16:00 - 19:00 hrs
Saturday, 29.04.2023 and Sunday, 30.04.2023, 14:00 - 19:00 hrs

Finissage: Sunday, 30.04.2023, 14:00 - 19.00 hrs, Performance: Mirka Raito
"In Deiner Haut / Under Your Skin", 17:00 hrs, HilbertRaum

HilbertRaum, Reuterstr. 31, 12047 Berlin, Germany
Retramp Gallery, Reuterstr. 62, 12047 Berlin, Germany

curated by Hannah van Ginkel

Motherhood Team: Hannah van Ginkel, Agnes Rossa, Dorothee Zombronner

The exhibition "Motherhood I / Concepts of Motherhood" launches a series of exhibitions on motherhood and femininity. The exhibition project is organised by IntAkt Vienna, in cooperation with the HilbertRaum and the Retramp Gallery in Berlin. The works deal with motherhood, menstruation, birth, breastfeeding, everyday life with children during and beyond the pandemic, ageing with children, etc. in various ways. The artistic standpoints, produced by artist mothers and non-mothers, range from personal perspectives and experiences via humorous and experimental works to socio-critical and socio-political statements. An important aim is to show that motherhood is not a topic to be avoided or an obstacle, but can be a source of inspiration. We all have been born of a mother. Everyone is related to this theme, everyone is touched by it in one way or another.

In the commercial and museum arts sector, motherhood seems to be a taboo subject, even today. Female artists are still advised to choose between children and career. Clichés about artists who are mothers are still very strong: as if having a child meant losing their physical self-determination and the necessary energy to create good art. Although art historiography in the field of gender studies thinks about many facets of gender, both the visual arts and art history continue to propagate the myth of the male artistic genius who prefers to create genius masterpieces in a state of intoxication. The aim of this exhibition is to question and deconstruct the myths surrounding male and female attributions in the field of art. The exhibition also points to the social structures that make it difficult for female artists-mothers and non-mothers alike-to make a name for themselves on the art market.

Text: Agnes Rossa

April 2021

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Continuation of the exchange project Graz -> Berlin ( via Stockholm )

Juan Arata / Michael Fanta

Renate Krammer / Hannah van Ginkel

Niina Lehtonen Braun / Arnold Reinisch

Duration: 23.04. - 02.05.2021

Online Finissage: Saturday, 01.05.2021, 7-8pm

The zoom link to the online finissage will be posted on this page on May 1, 2021:


vielleicht ist es so, vielleicht ist es aber
auch nicht so.

vielleicht, vielleicht! so ist es, aber auch so ist
es nicht.
vielleicht-vielleicht! so ist es auch nicht, aber so
ist es.

leicht, soviel ist es, ist es aber vielleicht auch
nicht. so
leichtes ist so viel, aber vielleicht eist auch so nichts.
vieles eist so leicht, aber vielleicht ist auch so

so. vielleicht ist es viel, aber auch so ist es nicht

soso, aber ist es vielleicht auch vielleicht? ist es

so ist es viel, so ist es leicht, vielleicht aber
auch nicht.

Excerpt from Michael Lentz "vielleicht ist es so, vielleicht ist es aber auch nicht so."
anagrammatic speech act variations of a thesis by Georg Büchner

After the three HilbertRaum artists Juan Arata, Hannah van Ginkel and Niina Lehtonen Braun have been invited together with three Graz artists to an exhibition in October 2019 by the Kunsthalle Graz, the HilbertRaum now invites these same artists to the HilbertRaum.

Together with Michael Fanta, Renate Krammer and Arnold Reinisch, we are pleased to be able to continue the exchange project Graz -> Berlin (via Stockholm), which began in 2017.

I'll show my new work "KOTZE UND KACKE" there, an installation made of found objects and collages.

The current corona regulations and the resulting requirements for visiting the exhibition, as well as the opening times, can be found on the HilbertRaum website.

Reuterstr.31, 12047 Berlin

October 2019

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Berlin > Graz (via Stockholm) 2

Opening: Wednesday, 02.10.2019, 18:30

Duration: 06.10. - 16.10.2019

Group Exhibition
Berlin -> Graz (via Stockholm) at Kunsthalle Graz
Conrad von Hoetzendorf Strasse 42a, Graz

The operators of the Hilbertraum Berlin and Kunsthalle Graz met in Stockholm 2016 at the Artfair Supermarket. The compatible interests for a regular exchange of artists were already realized in November 2017 in Berlin. In July 2018 another successful group exhibition of six artists followed.
This is the continuation of the exchange. This time featuring Niina Lehtonen Braun, Juan Arata, Renate Krammer, Michael Fanta, Arnold Reinisch and myself presenting some of our works.

I will be present my new work
"Feucht, fettig und faltig liegt es zu Füssen der Mutter"
(Moist, greasy and wrinkled it lies at the feet of the mother), an installation of found objects and collages.

November 2018

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Opening: Friday, 09.11.2018, 6-10pm

Duration: 09.11. - 18.11.2018

'On this road there are no godspoke men. They are gone and I am left and they have taken with them the world'.

(Cormac Mc Carthy: The Road, 2006 )

The exhibition 'godspoke' presents recent works of Hannah van Ginkel: installations, drawings, paintings and collages. In the center of her artistic exploration is her work 'Ey, Altar!'. Her creations full of glitter, kitsch and abundance may seem opposed to Mc Carthys grey postapocalyptic reality - but deal alike with ethics, hiding disorientation and the loss of moral values beneath the iridescent surface .

Opening hours: Friday, 6-10pm

Saturday+Sunday, 2-7pm

Reuterstr. 31, 12047 Berlin, www.hilbertraum.org

2018, March

I'm very happy to announce that I have been selected along with five other artists from HilbertRaum, to participate in the CO / LAB III exhibition at the Torrance Art Museum in Los Angeles.

MARCH 31 - May 18


Eight Los Angeles alternative art organizations collaborate with eight alternative art organizations in order to present joint curatorial projects.

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BBQ / Axel Obiger

Dalton Warehouse / COPYRIGHTberlin

Durden and Ray / HilbertRaum

ESXLA / Scotty e.V.

Monte Vista Projects / Ä+


Elevator Mondays / ZK/U

Tiger Strikes Astroid / oMo artspace

Torrance Art Museum
3320 Civic Center Drive
Torrance, CA 90503


If you happen to be there, I would be very happy about your visit. I will be present at the vernissage.

September, 2016

Here are some impressions of the exhibition 'Und Sie wissen nicht, mit wem Sie reden (And you'd never guess to who you're talkin.)' at HilbertRaum:

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September, 2016

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Hannah van Ginkel

Magda Kaufmann

Dorothee Zombronner

Und Sie wissen nicht,
mit wem Sie reden.

Opening: Friday, 16.09.2016, 6-10pm

Duration: 16.09.-25.09.2016

Opening hours: Friday, 6-10pm

Saturday+Sunday, 2-7pm

Curated by: Kerstin Grein and Hannah van Ginkel

Und Sie wissen nicht, mit wem Sie reden.
(And you'd never guess to who you're talkin'.)

Harmless appearance? No surprises lurk behind this facade? These three artists' work, Hannah van Ginkel, Magda Kaufmann and Dorothee Zombronner confront societal expectations. They change, replace, manipulate and counter that which is established and widely known. Surrealist montages and alternative concepts come to the fore, challenging existing ideals and notions of role models. And will an idyll be destroyed in the process? Oops...then a ship, the black freighter, disappears out to sea, and on it is me.

Reuterstr. 31, 12047 Berlin, www.hilbertraum.org

January, 2016

Here are some impressions of the exhibition FERN WEH * HEIM WEH at tete::

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This is my postcard:

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January, 2016

16. & 17. January, 2016 FERN WEH * HEIM WEH A mail-art project by Anke Becker / Exhibition

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Photo: Anke Becker

at tete, Schönhauser Allee 161A 10435 Berlin

Program and opening hours:

Saturday, 16. January / 1pm-open end
7pm: official opening & Heimweh-Bar

Sunday 17. January / 1pm-open end
3pm - 7pm / Movies concerning the theme Heim- and Fernweh. Free entries.

3pm-open end: Heimweh Bar

Stefka Ammon, Maria Andrade, Katherine Arias, Tamara Arroyo, Alfred Banze, Anthony Barilla, Michael Bause, Hannes Becker, Anke Becker, Matthias Beckmann, Ingrid Bego, Ansgar Beinke, Kyle Berglund, Markus Bickel, Lutz Bielefeld, Gam Bodenhausen, Alex Booth, Jenny Brown, Bettina Carl, Brian Chambers, Carolyn Chen, Ryan Christiansen, Duncan Coe, Patty Coates, Holland Cunningham, Kristina Darling, Denise Davies, Missy Dunaway, Frank Diersch, Gabriella Disler, Ilse Ermen, Luke Erwin, Christine Falk, Nadja Frank, Pat Friedli, Heike Gallmeier. Kati Gausmann, Nancy Goldring, Lauren Goldstein, Jessica Gonzalez, Kerstin Gottschalk, Lana Gilson, Sam Grigorian, Maggie Griepenstroh, Cyntia Hartling, Anne Hölck & Gian Manuel Rau, Devlin Hall, Marc Haselbach, Björn Hegardt, Aline Helmcke, Katharina Hinsberg, Veronike Hinsberg, Helmut Huber, Ralf Käselau, Charlie Kearns, Marte Kiessling, Alex Klenz, Pauline Kraneis, Ralf Krause, Doug&Fran Kreites, Traudl Kupfer, Juliane Laitzsch, Corinne Laroche, Michael Lee, Britta Lenk, Rita Leppiniemi, Dong Li, Pia Linz, Alec Mac Leod, Mike Little, Magali Martinez, Lyndzie Mayer, Lauren Maystrick, Eva-Christina Meier, Astrid Menze, Nanne Meyer, Larissa Moguel, Pat Nelsen, Eva Nikolova, Moritz Nitsche, Oda Pälmke, Tammy Partsch, Pam Pfeiffer, Katja Pudor, Jasmine Radetski, Steffen Reck, Inken Reinert, Denise Richard, Stefan Riebel, Jess Rice, Matthew Rose, Janine Sack, Dawn Schabner, Susanne Schirdewahn, Hannah Smith, Andrea Scholz, Anton Schwarzbach, Erin Sickler, Carlos Silva, Lauren Shomaker, Zuzanna Skiba, Steve Snell, Elisabeth Sonneck, Elizabeth Stehling, David Samuel Stern, Andree Stocker, Katrin Ströbel, NIkolas Theilgaard, Dorit Trebeljahr, Hannah van Ginkel, Andree Volkmann, Halsey Volkmer, Nora von Mendelssohn, Josh Weiner, Esme Weijun Wang, Ben Watkins, Patrick Weh Weihland, Anke Westermann, Sarah Weinert, Bill Witte, Jan Wurm, Katie Wynne, Michael Zander, Patricia Zarate, Michaela Zimmer

For more information:



October, 2015

Here are some impressions of my solo show 'Brace Position' at HilbertRaum:

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October, 2015

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Fri 9.10.2015, 6-10pm

with music by Katharina Micada, Musical saw,
and Sebastian Müller, Steel guitar, 8pm



Opening hours:

Fri 6-10pm
Sat+Sun 2-7pm

Curated by:

Kerstin Grein

Brace Position. The exhibition presents collages, paintings, video and installations by Berlin-based artist Hannah van Ginkel. The works on display offer a varied insight
into a superficially different, sometimes horrifying world. This world is composed of
fragments of common things, gathered from everyday life, put into new forms and
contexts. Hereby they confront the spectator with the gaping abyss hidden behind the
highly polished facade of sanctioned reality. Please fasten your seatbelt - and enjoy.

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Reuterstr. 31
12047 Berlin



U8 & U7 Hermanplatz U7 Rathaus Neukölln

June, 2015

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We look forward to see you there!

Opening hours:

Fr/Sa 19:00-24:00

So 12:00-18:00


Kunstraum Lucella Mannino

Hobrechtstr. 12



U-Bahn station Hermannplatz

April, 2015

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Ali Altin (Düsseldorf), Jordan K. Artmaster (Frankfurt/Main), Christian Awe (Berlin), Arno Beck (Bonn), Kurt von Bley (Berlin), Peter Vincent Causemann (Düsseldorf), Ellen DeElaine (Berlin), Jay Gard (Berlin), Hannah van Ginkel (Berlin), Lukas Glinkowski (Berlin), Jochen Goerlach (Düsseldorf), Dimitri Horta (Zurüch), Ulrike Kazmaier (Düsseldorf), Thomas W. Kuhn (Berlin), Patrizia Lohmann (Düsseldorf), Mike MacKeldey (Berlin) , Claudia Marcela Robles (Düsseldorf), Sandra Schlipkoeter (Berlin), JST.Schmucki3 (Berlin), Alexander Skorobogatov (Berlin), Lisa C Soto (Los Angeles), Stefan Thiel (Berlin), Johannes Vetter (Berlin), Martin Hakan Weigl (Frankfurt/Main), Max Weinberg (Frankfurt/Main), Vittorio Zambardi (Berlin)

Location: HilbertRaum, Reuterstraszlig;e 31, 12047 Berlin (Neukölln), http://hilbertraum.org/

Preview: Friday, 1. May 2015, 5 to 10pm

Opening: Saturday, 2. May 2015, 7 to 10pm

Opening hours: Saturday, 2. May, 2 to 10pm Uhr und Sunday, 3. May, 2 to 8pm

2015, March

Here are some impressions of the exhibition opening 'The Sky Is Falling' at HilbertRaum:

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2015, March

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The Sky Is Falling

The sky is falling and the world is losing it's order.- The exhibition features the works of artists living in Berlin who attempt to address the relationship between the individual and society, between the self and the world. Their works question the perceived order of things, breaking the ideas down and developing them into something new. This is done by addressing moral concepts such as identity search, apocalypse, depression, paradise and utopia.

Reuterstr. 31, 12047 Berlin, www.hilbertraum.org

2015, February

In January I was kindly invited by Anke Becker, a Berlin-based artist, to take part in this very nice project:

Fernweh* the good life is a mail-art project by the German artist Anke Becker, created on the occasion of an artist residency at the KHN Center for the Arts in Nebraska City, USA / January and February 2015.

An international group of visual artists and writers has been invited by Anke to send a postcard to her in Nebraska with their very own interpretation of 'Fernweh..the good life'.

*the German word 'Fernweh' is a longing, an aching for the far-away, the painful longing to be far away. Fernweh is related to 'Heimweh' homesickness, aching for home.

In return, every participant will receive a similar, one-of-a-kind postcard from Nebraska City.

An exhibition of the postcards may be seen on the Open Studios of the KHN-Center for the Arts on Thursday, February 19 / from 5pm-7pm.

Here is a link to my postcard: A postcard to Nebraska

For more informations and to have look at all of the other postcards from artists all over the world:


2015, January

Here are some impressions of the exhibition opening 'Part two' at HilbertRaum:

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2015, January

Since a few months, I have worked on founding a new project space, together with some other artists. After a lot of work, I am very happy to invite you to the first exhibition at HilbertRaum!

I am going to show one of my works in the second part of the inaugural exhibition.

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HilbertRaum 1:1 and 1:2

Welcome to the first exhibition in HilbertRaum, a new project space in the middle of Reuterkiez. HilbertRaum is an independent, non-commercial art space run by a group of 14 Berlin based artists.

Our inaugural exhibition is a two-part show, presenting the work of the individual artists behind HilbertRaum.

Part one opens on Friday 16th of January, 6pm.

Part two opens on Friday 23rd of January, 6pm.

We look forward to welcoming you in HilbertRaum in Reuterstrasse 31 (between Sonnenallee and Weserstrasse in Neukölln).

Access: U7+U8 Hermannplatz, U7 Rathaus Neukölln.

The members of HilbertRaum are: Feriel Bendjama, David Benforado, Ellen DeElaine, Kuno Ebert, Hannah van Ginkel, Andy Holtin, Howard Katz, Niina Lehtonen-Braun, Sandra Schlipkoeter, Sandra Setzkorn, Tobias Sternberg, Nathalie Tafelmacher, Yoann Trellu and Daniel Wiesenfeld.

For more information:'HilbertRaum'

or on Facebook:'HilbertRaum.berlin'

2014, September

From October 4th to 5th I will take part in an exhibition namend 'Schlaraffenland'. The show is located at 'Alte Börse Marzahn'.

I am looking forward to see you there!

Location: Alte Börse Marzahn, Beilsteiner Str. 51-85, 12681 Berlin

Opening: Saturday, 4.10.2014, 17-22pm,

After Show Party: 4.10.2014, from 22pm: DJ-Set Eberhard Havekost and many more at Czar Hagestolz

Exhibition dates: Saturday, 4.10.2014, from 17-22pm, Sunday, 5.10.2014, 14-20pm

Website:'facebook schlaraffenland'

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Participating Artists:

Ali Altin (Düsseldorf), Jordan K. Artmaster (Frankfurt/Main), Christian Awe (Berlin), Herbert Basilewski (Berlin), Arno Beck (Berlin), Kurt von Bley (Berlin), Madeleine Boschan (Berlin), Peter Vincent Causemann (Düsseldorf), Ellen DeElaine (Berlin), Jay Gard (Berlin), Hannah van Ginkel (Berlin), Lukas Glinkowski (Berlin), Jochen Goerlach (Düsseldorf), Dimitri Horta (Zürich), Ulrike Kazmaier (Düsseldorf), Thomas W. Kuhn (Berlin), Patrizia Lohmann (Düsseldorf), Mike MacKeldey (Berlin), Claudia Marcela Robles (Düsseldorf), Sandra Schlipkoeter (Berlin), JST.Schmucki 3 (Berlin), Alexander Skorobogatov (Berlin), Lisa C Soto (Los Angeles), Stefan Thiel (Berlin), Johannes Vetter (Berlin), Alexander Ernst Voigt (Düsseldorf), Martin Hakan Weigl (Frankfurt/Main), Max Weinberg (Frankfurt/Main), Vittorio Zambardi (Berlin)

With support from:

Alte Börse Marzahn GmbH, Fachbereiches Kultur Marzahn-Hellersdorf, Berliner Bierfabrik, Marzahner Börsenbräu GmbH and Filmproduktion Achtung Licht.

2014, JULY

During the art festival I met Elfie Berkenbusch a journalist from Düsseldorf. We talked about living as an artist in Berlin. This interview and even more interesting conversations concerning this topic you will find on her blog:

'Künstler in Berlin'

2014, JULY

Here are some impressions of my installation 'Sommerblumen' at the 'Klunkerkranich' during the art festival '48 Stunden Neukölln':

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2014, JUNE

I want to briefly inform you about a few changes in the presentation of my installation 'Sommerblumen' as part of the art festival '48 Stunden Neukölln' in Berlin.

The small garden shed, has now become a garden tent, that invites you to make yourself comfortable on the couch inside and enjoy my installation. You can find the tent behind the entrance to the 'Klunkerkranich'.

Exact Location description/public transport:

U-Bahn station Rathaus Neukölln
Entrance Postbank/Bibliothek
Elevator to the 5th floor basement
Walk up to the 6th floor.

I would like to recommend, to visit the exhibition on Saturday/Sunday between 10am and 15am, because, as the organizer informed me, afterwards it might get so crowdy that for security reasons there is no more intake.

Despite all that I will show my installation on Friday 19pm to 22pm and Saturday/Sunday 10am to 19pm. Of course I am pleased to see you there later than 15am, but I have to point out that the entrance from 16pm is 3 Euro.

Now I wish us for the weekend quite a lot of sunshine and look forward to meet you at 48 Stunden Neukölln!

2014, JUNE

From June 27th to 29th the art festival '48 Stunden Neukölln' will take place in Berlin. The festival theme deals with the issue 'Courage'. I'm presenting my installation 'Sommerblumen' at a very special place: In a garden shed, which is located in a city garden, over the rooftops of Berlin. I will provide the full version of my work as well as a selection of pages on the subject "Courage".

The installation will be shown on Friday from 19pm to 22pm and Saturday/Sunday from 10am to 19pm on the 6th parking deck of the 'Klunkerkranich'. More then 80 artists will present their works at that place. So there is a lot to discover!

I am looking forward to see you there!

For more information: '48 Stunden Neukölln Programm'

2014, MARCH

I am pleased to inform you that I am now represented by the online gallery '5 Pieces Gallery' with three of my works. You will find this works on: '5 Pieces Gallery'

2014, February

Like announced in July the important changes at the work cycle 'Sommerblumen' are done so far. Your are now welcome to view the interactive version. Of course, this is a work playing around with german language and from time to time I was thinking about adding some english subtitles to it. But I came to the point that it is not possible transfering the meaning and esprit into english in a pleasant way ... so, only german. Viel Vergnügen!


Artworks '2013' was updated. Please have a look and enjoy ;-).

..and here is the video, which was mentioned further down in this text.

2013, JULY

Currently I'm completely drowning in updating my website and there is still some work to do.

When everything is ready you can see the final version of my installation 'Sommerblumen' on this website. In this moment you can only watch and listen to the draft version by browsing to 'Artworks/2012'.
I have attached an explanatory text in which you can learn more about the installation itself, the presentation and my intentions. In the moment this explanation is only in German. The English version will come up soon. Nevertheless the pictures speak for themselves!

In 2012 my dear friend Isabel Kronenberger made a short movie about me during my application for the TV-series 'Alles für die Kunst' at Arte TV in my studio. I will also put this on my website shortly.
In this movie you will see me in front of the installation 'Aufwachsen', that I'm working on since 2012 and that still handicaps me since that time, because it's that big. I hope to finish that work quite soon.
However, this still needs a lot of small lamps that are to be connected to it and on the floor I want a mound of potting soil. So stay tuned!

My latest paintings are collages on canvas. This work cycle produced by the random deliquescence of ink on the wet canvas. In the semi-dry paint I draw with ink again. During the dry phase I sit between huge stacks of newspapers (fashion, lifestyle and porn magazines, newspapers and advertising leaflets) and search the image material for my collages. First, the material gets color-sorted and is assembled after that to new socially critical 'inner images'. The result can be found at 'Artworks/2013'.

Now I wish you all a lot of fun browsing my site!